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NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER: Illinois traffic laws (625 ILCS 5/11-1502)
apply to persons riding bicycles. Bicyclists shall be subject to all
duties applicable to drivers of a motor vehicle.
The Bicycle Facility Inventory System is published as an aid to bicyclists by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and is not intended to be a substitute for a user’s exercise of reasonable care. IDOT makes no express or implied warranty as to the safety or condition of the bicycle facilities depicted in the System, or any roads indicated to bicyclists and other users for shared bicycle/motor vehicle use. The unpredictable change of traffic, road, and weather conditions will require the users to constantly review all routes for suitability. While IDOT endeavors to provide the best available information to users, the data incorporated into the System is compiled from multiple sources within and outside IDOT, and may be incomplete, inaccurate, or out-of-date. System users ASSUME ALL RISKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES for their own safety when cycling on the depicted facilities and maps.
The Bicycle Facility Inventory System is published as an aid to bicyclists by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and is not intended to be a substitute for a user’s exercise of reasonable care. IDOT makes no express or implied warranty as to the safety or condition of the bicycle facilities depicted in the System, or any roads indicated to bicyclists and other users for shared bicycle/motor vehicle use. The unpredictable change of traffic, road, and weather conditions will require the users to constantly review all routes for suitability. While IDOT endeavors to provide the best available information to users, the data incorporated into the System is compiled from multiple sources within and outside IDOT, and may be incomplete, inaccurate, or out-of-date. System users ASSUME ALL RISKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES for their own safety when cycling on the depicted facilities and maps.

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This information is disseminated by the Illinois Department of
Transportation, which assumes no responsibility for the use of the
information. While the vast majority of the bicycle facilities in
Illinois are owned by other agencies, such as cities and counties,
IDOT owns a few bicycle facilities, the Department strives to
provide helpful information to promote safety for those who are
utilizing these facilities for recreation or as an alternate form of
transportation. Therefore, we have designed the Bicycle Facility
Inventory System (BFIS) to be an available resource allowing local
agencies to input data on bicycle facilities representative of their
The Bicycle Facility Inventory System is published as a statewide source of bicycle data to help guide in the prioritization of future Bicycle Facility projects for all agencies to utilize in Illinois. Bicycle facility owners can leverage the system to submit new facilities or make modifications to existing facilities. The Bicycle Facility Inventory System data could be used for traffic planning, safety analyses, long-range planning, funding priorities, mapping and routing and will be compatible with the soon to be released FHWA National Bikeway Network Data Portal. The information is gathered by crowdsourcing from local government entities and bicycle partners in the community and should be confirmed with Bicycle Facility owners.
Bicycle Facility Inventory System contains information depicting statewide inventory of bicycle facilities, including: Active\Existing, Proposed\Planned, Programmed, Construction, Inactive\Decommissioned bicycle lanes, paths and trails throughout the state of Illinois for planning purposes containing information describing location, ownership, and specific attributes associated with these facilities.
The Bicycle Facility Inventory System is published as a statewide source of bicycle data to help guide in the prioritization of future Bicycle Facility projects for all agencies to utilize in Illinois. Bicycle facility owners can leverage the system to submit new facilities or make modifications to existing facilities. The Bicycle Facility Inventory System data could be used for traffic planning, safety analyses, long-range planning, funding priorities, mapping and routing and will be compatible with the soon to be released FHWA National Bikeway Network Data Portal. The information is gathered by crowdsourcing from local government entities and bicycle partners in the community and should be confirmed with Bicycle Facility owners.
Bicycle Facility Inventory System contains information depicting statewide inventory of bicycle facilities, including: Active\Existing, Proposed\Planned, Programmed, Construction, Inactive\Decommissioned bicycle lanes, paths and trails throughout the state of Illinois for planning purposes containing information describing location, ownership, and specific attributes associated with these facilities.

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